Monday, 5 May 2014

Ore Strand camping

So on the first day we didn't do that much work, But what we did was just a quick brainstorming of what we should do, and in what order. As you can see on the following picture, it's not that organist or structured, but it's really, as said before, just a quick brainstorming that we put together:

Here on the next picture you can see that we worked some more with the planning of our protejct:

Here you can see a WBS we made:

On the next picture you will see the Gantt Model that we have made for our project.
Monday, May 5th Update: today we finish with al the reasearch any analysis for client, market and competition as well as marketing strategy.

With the client research, we use the SWOT analyse and USP model:
3 personas:

Persona Scenarios:

Michael: When Michael enters Orestrand camping’s website, he would start by reading the info on the welcome page/index. As he gets interested in the camping site, he well first of want to know what the place looks like, there for he will go the facilities dropdown menu, here he chooses what part of the campingsite he wants to see. After he has seen the place he goes to prices to check out the prices, he will go to booking page which is easy to find, and he will book himself a vacation.

Casper and Sophie: Casper and Sophie is not really have no real camping vacation experience so the way they finds the site is by using a camping ground database like dk-camp. When they Enter the site they start by looking to see if the camping site is suitable for their children. So they will start by looking what is under the facilities dropdown menu, here they will see the tape that is all about the children. When they have seen that options there is for children at Orestrand camping, they will go to the prices before looking anymore around on the site. When they have seen the prices, they will see that the camping ground also offers the rental of cottages, so after they have seen the cottage info and pictures, they will use the booking bottom which guides them to the booking subpage.  

Claus and Henrietta: Claus and Henrietta is regular in if not hard-core campers, so they will start by look at what the camping site offers, in terms of the site itself and what there is around the sites, as in nature and attractions. There for they will look at those subpages first before going to the booking page to book for unit for their AR, They will not really bother with the prices tabs, since they already know the price range more or less

Then we use SOSTAC Model to make a marketing plan:
S- Situation analysis:

A camping site company in Vordinborg. They have another camping site in Prastø also >>> A wide range area without anay competition company.

O- Objectives:

  • Become easier to find on the internet and social media.
  • Have a complete new visual identity, new website and an advertise video.
  • New marketing plan to attract more and more clients ( with target group is family and elder people) go there.
  • Remade or update their new booking system (the old one is confusing and not supply what the users need).
S- Strategy:

  • Improve the facilities: Free and strong Wifi.
  • Making postcards for camping site with logo.
  • SEO analyse and top-op there position on google search engine.
  • English & Gernman keywords  for search engine.
  • Google Adwords.
  • Social media: facebook, google +, twitter.
  • Leaflets.
  • Events.
  • Join the DK-Camp database.
T- Tactics:

  • Improve the facilities:
    • Have free and strong wifi.
  • SEO:
    • English & German keywords for search engine.
    • Build the website with full English and German.
  • Google Adwords:
    • Analyse the keywords.
    • Pay money for google per click.
    • 1 month campain before the camping season.
  • Social media:
    • Creat facebook, google + and twitter pages.
    • If the clients take a checkin picture within ”Ore Strand Camping” location, they will get a free ice-cream.
    • Update picture and information about working-hour and ”weekend events” daily.
  • Joining the DK-Camp database:
  • Events:
    • Event every weekend:
      • Teambuilding for family in the day.
      • Acoustic show and BBQ party in the evening
  • Leaflets:
    • Design good leaflets.
    • Put the leaflets on the skyline (between Germany and Danmark) or drop in in the street.
A- Action:

C- Control:

5th May update: our inspiration moodboard:

8th May update:
Sketching the new:

On the picture above you can see some very early sketches.

the pictures above: We decided to use that we wanted to go for the classic in making the new logo, so we went for a logo with a tent because we felt that a logo with a tent would be the most obvious way to show and give the association that it's about camping. The five orange pictures was some early work we did in photoshop, we made different versions, but after revewing them we decided that we would take the picture that is in the bottem rigth and rework in to another logo, for a couple of reasons, 1: the colors didn't really have anything to do with camping nor natur. 2: after looking at it, we kind of got the feeling we were looking down a road, and not a looking at a tent. 

On the picture about we see some sketches of the rework that we did on with orange pic 5. 

9th May update:
Our last decision for logo is base on the idea of a tent. But we add the water reflection part right under the tent. It makes the logo looks more "smoothy" and remind the viewers about something fresh and relaxing.
About the color, we choose the main color for logo is bright orange and bright blue.
In general, our concept for OreStrand Camping will have5 key color. As you can see about, we use the orange and blue for Logo:

Orange (#FF4D19): 
Blue (#61A3FF):
"Old paper" color (#EFC79A):
Brown (#8B5D39):
Dark Blue (#272F4F): 

White (#FFFFFF):

Dark Red (#A03E3A): Color of the cottages at Orestrand Camping.
Green (#40682A): Color of tree and grass there, which appears alots in the picture.
Dark gray (#272729):

And these are our final Logo:

Some mockup-s:

Update 15th May: 
Today we made some research about structure of OreStrand Camping Webpage. This is their web's structure now:
There was 1 thing we forgot to express in this diagram, that is on the front page, they have a link wich link to this address: Beside that, we can see that their website has the "choose language" button. But it just makes some change on the navigation bar, all the other contents're still in Danish.

We will make prototype for one fully designed front page and 3 fully designed subpages (Cottage, Booking and Attraction).

So these are our sketchs for website lay out with some simple dimensions. The sketchs by Pts will come soon:
The "head" of webpage, it's the same for index page and almost subpages as well.

Index page

Facilities (4 people Cottage w/water)

Booking subpage

Attraction subpage
Update 16th May: Photoshop wireframe:

Main Header and Footer

Index page

Cottage subpage

Booking subpage

Attraction subpage
Update 17th May:

Update 30th May: Link to our demo website